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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Garwood's New Addition

John & Dawn Garwood got a 2000
magnetic red coupe to add to his family
of vettes and can hardly wait for the snow
to go.
Here's his email he sent me !
Hi Tom
Thought you might like to see what I was to doing today.
I finally got the ice chipped away enough to get the Vette out of it's winter prison. It was frozen solid.
Charged the battery and fired them both up - sweet sounds.
Introduced the old to the new and let them warm up, but they never left the driveway :-(
So now they are sitting in the garage more than ready to go - after inspections -
This is torture....the stinkin' snow has to go away some day doesn't it??
See you soon,
Posted by Tom Hiltz aka [ redvette ]

1 comment:

  1. Love those RED corvettes.......Would be nice to see a sudden HOT SPELL so the snow would disappear !!! Congrats, John and Dawn !!!


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